
Webby Awards are in

It's fully contest season and here's the Webby Awards. Awards for innovative and quality content on the World Wide Web.


Contact's contact sheets

Want to see raw shooting and editing from the analog world for a change? Here's a link to Contact Press Images' sweet web feature. Click on a photo and see the full contact sheet from that stuff we used to use called film.

This is a must click.

Flickr Video

So Flickr's jumping on the video bandwagon, finally. It's a bit limited at 90 seconds, but might help make some folks a bit more critical in editing their work. I know I could be more so myself.

And the hits just keep on rolling

CBS looks close to waving the white flag on news reporting. They are considering using CNN to outsource news gathering. Must be the millions they have to shell out for Katie's inability to get people to watch or even speak the news.

UPDATE: Here's a NYTimes story on it.


Good grief

The Seattle Times is in full-blown SLASH&BURN mode. 200 positions eliminated, some of which were frozen positions.

Pulitzer Time

Here's the photo winners. Looking forward to watching the intense project Gannaway produced for the Feature Photography category.

Here's a link to the Reuters photo blog about the winning photo in the Breaking News Photography category.

Stop The Presses - The American Newspaper in Peril

Here's a trailer for a movie that premiered in Dallas last week.
There's also a site for the film.

Found via Teaching Online Journalism


Hilarious video

Fun storytelling, even if it is contrived, in 60 seconds.

Found via popurls.com

Think – Internet on steriods AND HGH!

The "Grid" launches this fall and could make broadband seem like the first days of dial-up ISPs. Makes you wonder where all this technology will lead us? I guess we'll just have to wait and hold on to the circus ride.