
InSight America

Magnum photo agency is doing a running project up to the election with some of their top notch photogs. Their objective?

Who are the people of America? What are we thinking? What makes us angry and frustrated? What gives us hope? Are some of us really all blue and some all red? Or are we mostly shades of purple?

What is the American Dream today?

Could be another interesting series to keep an eye on much like Hard Times.

Found via APhotoADay


Four for a Quarter

I was waiting around at the UPS Customer Service center while they dug up a package for me and decided to look through a couple issues of the Smithsonian magazine. I found great photo articles in both of them, but one had a url with more content.

A photographer produced a book based on the photobooth. You know, the ones you used to see in the mall and would get four photos on a strip. There are some great images and a unique notion about how these inexpensive commerce photography sessions recorded very interesting aspects of history. Four frames at a time.

Today, photographic imagery is at nearly every fingertip on a smartphone that the notion a trip to the photobooth could be one of the lone images of a person in existence seems crazy. I only hope that at some point this over abundant digital immersion will drive people back to analog, much like vinyl records are popular again as CD sales plummet.

Got Passion?

Simply put: If You Don't Have Passion - Get Out Da' Kitchen.

That's the title of DigiDave's blog post and it has some great thoughts and links about passion. It's a nice refresher for some of my goals.

Found via Journerdism

Pray for Snow

It's opening day at Arapahoe Basin and Loveland today and all I can think about is fluffy white blankets of joy.

Be sure to watch the hi-def version. The video has a lots of quick transitions that the normal definition looks lame.