Once the campaign advertising dollars stop flowing in by the truck-load, the majority coming from the Obama media machine, the advertising dollars will dry up like the lakes east of Los Angeles have.
Let's face it, we're in the midst of a recession. Advertising dollars are the first to go from budgets. Advertising is the rocket fuel for newspapers in print, whereas the ad dollars from the online version resemble the concoction of two-stroke motor oil and unleaded gasoline. You don't see NASA using two-stroke to get the space shuttle into orbit do you?
That recession is going to prevent many from spending too many ad dollars for the holidays, let alone some general advertising. Newspapers are
beginning to topple before the election has even come to a close. The first quarter of 2009 is going to look like a scene out of the movie "Saw."
The question becomes: Do we cut off integral parts of the paper in an effort to free it for possible growth online? But if the recent
digestion of data is any clue,
cutting all the aspects of each newspaper might not work.
The first few dominoes have started to fall, how far will they go?