
AMEN!! Can this be done last month?

The first notion of reader comments at the bottom of newspaper.com stories I had was it would be a good thing. Maybe people would chime in and figure out a way to solve problems or illuminate other problems. Thus a wiser and stronger community. After watching the constant attacks and childish games in the comments of the Camera, I have to say it's time to pull the plug.

After three comments the story is thrown to the gutter so that only a small number of people scratch, claw and bludgeon each other with poorly chosen words accelerating the downward spiral of humanity. And that's after the really horrific spiteful "comments" are removed by our lone web editor. Once more reason to dump them is not paying someone to babysit the comments.

I guess they didn't learn that lesson from Grandma: "If you don't have anything nice to say about someone, don't say anything at all."

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