
The dying Two-Newspaper-Town

A business columnist at the Rocky Mountain News talks about how the News gets a bad rap concerning circulation numbers in Denver and that the landscape of the biz will not allow for the JOA papers to continue.

MediaNews is in the hurt locker with the collection agencies (financial backers that are already reeling from the housing debacle) as we speak. The completion of the Scripps split is final but there is not nearly the debt burden if any at all for the newspaper side. So the notion that The Denver Post will outlive the News could be a losing bet.

1 comment:

JL said...


Mostly because Scripps has no spine. This will be the SECOND time they will have passed on the opportunity to put The Post down for the count.

JOAs have proven to not be effective. Get used to one-paper towns, if there's a paper at all.